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Getting started

The Blyss bucket service is a key-value store (similar to Amazon S3 or Redis) that allows private retrievals using homomorphic encryption.

The special privacy property of Blyss is that retrieval from a bucket is completely private. No entity, not even the Blyss service itself, can determine what key a client retrieves. This property is cryptographic; it's not based on the security of special hardware enclaves or trusted third parties. You can read more about the security properties in "How it works".

You can use the Blyss bucket service to build fundamentally new kinds of privacy-preserving applications that collect less information from users.


The Blyss bucket service is in beta. Data stored in Blyss should not be considered durable. Contact us if you need access to a higher level of service.

1. Get your API key

To get an API key, sign up here. You will see an API key in the Blyss Console once you log in.

An API key allows you to create buckets and read and write to them. Your API key does not encrypt anything - it is only used for rate-limiting and enforcing bucket ownership.

2. Use the SDK to make private retrievals

You can try the SDK directly from your browser using our CodeSandbox. The CodeSandbox shows a basic example of how to use the Blyss SDK to build a basic private contact interesection system. This would let you tell users which friends have also signed up for an app, without ever seeing their contacts.

For more detailed examples, check out the examples in our repository.

3. There is no step three

That's it! You can use homomorphic encryption as easily as you use Redis or Firebase. These docs have more details on how the underlying technology works, how to think about privacy in an "end-to-end" way, and how to optimize performance.

If you want more detailed advice on architecting privacy-preserving applications, or just run into the limits of the free tier, let us know.