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The Blyss bucket service has unique performance characteristics, detailed here.

First-Retrieval Overhead

The first private retrieval that a client makes against a bucket requires more upload and/or download communication than baseline. Later queries from the same client do not incur this first-retrieval cost.

If your application allows it, it is highly recommended that you:

  1. Serialize the client state to a secret seed using toSecretSeed().
  2. Store this secret seed somewhere durable and secure. For example, on the web, you could store this in localStorage.
  3. When starting fresh later, first attempt to restore state from the secret seed. If this fails, you can always just construct a new client from scratch.

This pattern allows clients to skip the time-consuming first-retrieval overhead when possible.


Writes to a bucket are generally similar in speed to writes to a standard key-value store.

Writes are significantly faster when batched - whenever possible, group multiple writes into a single API call.

Private Retrievals

Private retrievals from a bucket are generally slower and take more communication than normal retrievals from a key-value store. Depending on the application, this overhead can be significant or negligible.